Chronodget 4.0.0 & WeightGlance 5.0.0

| Tags: dev, app, widget, ios, weight, health

This year’s updates of Chronodget and WeightGlance have been released simultaneously. Chronodget is now at version 4.0.0 and WeigthGlance at 5.0.0.

As every year the main reason for those new updates is keeping up with the current development of the OS, the language — swift — and the used SDKs.

This years updates have only marginally visible changes. Most work was done to make them compatible with the new swift 6 language mode. It was actually easier than I initially thought. Maybe that’s because neither app calls any remote web services and therefore has no need for complex concurrency stuff. There’s a bit of it in WeightGlance in the interaction with health kit and Chronodget does some file handling stuff, but generally fixing the swift 6 problems was straight forward.

In WeightGlance I fixed a bug that probably was there since it’s initial release in 2015. Users with no weight data at all in health kit would still see the tutorial data in the weekly rows after closing the tutorial. Not really a critical bug, but annoying nonetheless.

If you’ve already installed Chronodget, you should have gotten the update by now. Otherwise you can always get it in the App Store. The same is also true for WeightGlance which is available here in the App Store