Epigraver 3.0.0

| Tags: dev, macos, screensaver

The last update to Epigraver in 2021 added support for running on Apple Silicon and there was no need to update it since then.

This year I updated early to the new macOS release macOS 14 Sonoma. At first Epigraver seemed to run just fine on Sonoma as it did on Ventura earlier, but after some time I noticed that the screen went blank showing only the background or that the animations looked odd and broken. Trying to investigate whether it was just broken on one kind of animation, I changed the settings to only use that one animation. But the settings change did not have any effect. It still ran all animation kinds that had been selected before. Now I knew that something was really amiss.

I found this post by a developer of another macOS screensaver who vented about Apple breaking the screensaver framework to be able to run their own screensavers as desktop backgrounds. That post also presents the fix I needed.

With version 3.0.0 Epigraver now also runs on macOS Sonoma. That release increases the minimum requirement to Sonoma, but you won’t miss much if you run 2.0.0 on earlier macOS releases. There is only one additional change which randomizes the animation timing function to add a bit of variation to the animations.