| Tags: web, rss, tool

I have played with FeedReader some time ago, but somehow I didn’t like the program. So my interest in RSS-feeds ceased for some time.

While browsing through the web and clicking randomly on some links I reached MozillaZine where I found an announcement of a new version of some tool called NewsMonster. I visited their homepage and got the impression that it is a tool like FeedReader, which integrates itself into Mozilla and also allows to publish blogs using XSLT-stylesheets as the templates for the blogs. The last bit of this feature list sounded interesting to me. So I downloaded and installed it. As I found out very fast there is no blogger functionality in this program.Well, a bit disappointed not to find this interesting feature I nevertheless played around with it and found it to be quite useful. Especially the integration into Mozilla is one big advantage over FeedReader. And now also RSS found again my attention. I think RSS-feeds are really useful when used with an aggregator like the one in NewsMonster. It will look up any number of RSS-feeds and tell you whether there is something new on the web-sites featuring the feeds. You don’t need to visit them all each day to find out. You get a short sample of what the news are about and can open them if you are interested. It simply saves time